Hey guys Henry from Product Creation Formula

You know in this video we're going to be talking about the mindset product creators should have when they're creating their products now this mindset is really important because if you don't have that mindset you've got to flounder and you've got a folder and you won't get to where you want to go so before we get started as well you know here at product creation formula we love to give you tips and tricks we're going to help you create your products quickly and easily along with that we also do product reviews as well as tips on how to make money online so if that sounds good to you how about you smash the like button as well as subscribe and hit the bell icon so you can be notified whenever we upload more videos okay so let's move on [Music] okay now with mindsets what you really need to understand is one of the biggest faults or should i say one of the biggest things that that people struggle with online is procrastination and i have to say the base emotion for procrastination is fear it might be fear of success it may be fear of failure it may well be fear of looking ridiculous it may be a fear of not have not knowing you actually have something to say which i can guarantee you do you might think that no one's going to want to buy your product which is a fear of failure there's a whole bunch of different things that that procrastination is actually surrounded in and it's more based on fear now i want to also inform you inform you that not only is procrastination based on fear it's also based on being overwhelmed by what needs to be done so let's break that down a little bit so if a person is feeling overwhelmed because the amount of things that need to be done what you need to do is to break it up into little pieces now imagine you've got yourself a massive meal and you know you've got to get through that meal because it's going to be the last meal you have for at least a week and you need to be able to have enough nourishment to sustain yourself okay so imagine this just it's a weird scenario but just imagine it anyway so what do you do do you get the whole plate and shove it down your mouth no no one does that what you do is you cut it up into little bits and you take it you eat it bit by bit portion by portion until you finally get through that entire meal now imagine a circle and with that circle you've got the top point and the bottom point and any of the cross points along there is diagonal across from it now just imagine that is the furthest point on the circle [Music] and what you need to do is you've got to make your way all the way from this end all the way down to the bottom and that is 180 degrees now i want to tell you something 180 degrees might sound like an awful lot but if you were to take it every single day two degrees a day and that is just do a few little things a day to reach your goal within three months you'll actually reach it within three months you'll actually be able to achieve what your goal is say for example you want to be able to create a course that you want to sell on something like udemy or something along those lines and you want to well what's one of the things you're going to have to do well you're going to have to know the information you want to teach first so that is going to require you to purchase a product and learn what needs to be done so if you don't already know what to do what you do is you then your first goal or your first little snippet of thing you need to do is to get a product that you can learn from number two recreate something similar or better and then move forward by creating audio creating video creating ebooks creating a whole bunch of different things surrounding this and by doing that a little bit at a time so you say for example you've got an e-course you want to create and you've got a whole bunch of videos you will need to do in a day or you've got a whole bunch of videos you need to do in a week say you've got 20 videos you've got to do or even 30 videos you've got to do now my suggestion would be in this case just make five little videos a day if you can don't expect to be able to create all your videos in one day now if you've got let's say a course of 10 videos that can possibly be done in a day but if you've got say for example 30 videos we'll suggest don't even try and do that in a day you need to be able to break it up into little segments so each video is a segment on its own so you make sure you break up that one at a time and if it takes you all day to create one video then so be it let that be the one let that be your two percent let that be your two degrees let that be your little chunk that you've just eaten whatever it is you can only get to your goal by taking action and even if you take small actions to start off with you will get there eventually but you've got to continue to take action and move forward to your goal now if you don't do that you'll get nowhere and because things look overwhelming sometimes it can be daunting and that always puts a bit of a pause on somebody when they're trying to move forward so the mindset you need to have here is just do little chunks at a time so set yourself daily goals set yourself weekly goals monthly goals yearly goals and lifetime goals and this way you can get to where you want to go okay guys that was awesome that's all we're going to be doing in this particular video now if you like this video please consider smashing the like button as well as subscribing and hitting the bell icon so you can be notified whenever we upload more videos hey hey and while you're at it why not share okay guys have a great day and oh leave a comment down below as well because you know it's not only does it help the algorithm it means i can actually get in contact with with you we can talk we can actually engage and that's the sort of thing we need to be able to do you know like this i want to be able to build a community here i want to be able to build friendships here so people can we can connect with each other and learn from each other okay guys have an awesome day and i'll see you next video bye for now